
Enterprise WiFi Architecture Face-Off: Controller vs. Cloud vs. Distributed
Enterprise WiFi Architecture Face-Off: Controller vs. Cloud vs. Distributed

Wireless connectivity has become a mission-critical service for modern enterprises. Employees expect seamless WiFi access across office spaces, while IoT deployments demand robust and secure wireless infrastructure. Legacy WiFi architectures with standalone access points fall short on performance, management, and security capabilities. purpose-built enterprise-grade solutions are required. In this article, we examine key decision factors…

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6 ways digitalization Is empowering women around the world
6 ways digitalization Is empowering women around the world

Technology is an ally for companies working toward gender equality—but it’s so much more than that. Discover six ways digitalization is empowering women around the world. From rural education to entrepreneurship, technology and digitalization are giving a voice to those who previously didn’t have one, helping women strive for excellence in all areas of life. Contact CSPi Technology Solutions to learn how you can help bring meaningful change through technology for the women in your company.

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Accelerate your nonprofit’s mission with Teams
Accelerate your nonprofit’s mission with Teams

Helping nonprofits achieve their mission:

For all #nonprofit teams, innovation and staff productivity are a must. At the same time, technology resources are limited. This “Accelerate your nonprofit’s mission with Teams” webinar, brought to you by @msftnonprofits, shows how your organization can digitally transform to improve operations and efficiencies with secure, private, and compliant communication tools. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation @Microsoft-365 @Office365

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